Tenants looking for housing in Aarhus
Below you can see our database of tenants looking for housing in Aarhus. Start your rental process here. Use the filter below to find individuals seeking rental housing in Aarhus. You can create a listing for your available rental housing in Denmark directly here.
8 housing seekers
Looking for apartment or house for rent in Aarhus C, Aarhus N or Aarhus V, Denmark
Wanted: 40-100 m2 apartment / house in Aarhus C, Aarhus N, Aarhus V for rent- Area: 40-100 m2
Looking for apartment, house or room for rent in Aarhus C, Aarhus N or Aarhus V, Denmark
I need a place big enough for a couple, without children.- Area: 40-100 m2
- Huslejeudspil: 850EUR
Looking for apartment, house or room for rent in Aarhus C, Denmark
Wanted: 20-24 m2 apartment / house / room in Aarhus C for rent- Area: 20-24 m2
Looking for house for rent in Aarhus C, Aarhus N or Aarhus V, Denmark
Wanted: 65-120 m2 house in Aarhus C, Aarhus N, Aarhus V for rent- Area: 65-120 m2
Looking for apartment, house or room for rent in Copenhagen K, Aarhus C or Aarhus N etc., Denmark
Wanted: 20-24 m2 apartment / house / room in Copenhagen K, Aarhus C, Aarhus N, Aarhus V for rent- Area: 20-24 m2
Looking for apartment or house for rent in Aarhus C, Denmark
Wanted: 40-48 m2 apartment / house in Aarhus C for rent- Area: 40-48 m2
- Huslejeudspil: 1,000EUR
Looking for apartment or house for rent in Aarhus C or Tranbjerg J, Denmark
One people would share the room with me together and both of us dont have pets and smoke. It is okay that we can have a ho...- Area: 60-72 m2
Looking for apartment, house or room for rent in Aarhus C, Aarhus N or Aarhus V, Denmark
I am couple with a small child and CPR registration possible too.- Area: 50-60 m2
- Huslejeudspil: 800EUR